Quantity | 100ml, 500ml |
“English Lavender,” an alluring fragrance that weaves together the sensual notes of lavender, earthy petrichor, freshness of raspberry, orris, bergamot, and the deep, lingering embrace of sandalwood and amber. This exquisite blend captures the essence of a passionate encounter in a lavender field, where the sultry rain intensifies the senses. The fresh citrus & fruity notes add an element of seductive charm, creating a fragrant journey that awakens desire and leaves an unforgettable, amber-tinged impression. Immerse yourself in the intoxicating allure of “Lavender Rain” and experience the essence of nature’s sensuous elegance.
Top Note | Petrichor, Lavender, Raspberry |
Middle Note | Orris, Bergamot |
Base Note | Sandalwood, Amber |
₹1,040.00 – ₹5,200.00